Monday, August 9, 2010


This blog is being written not from my office but from the back porch in Mantoloking. Sorry for all you burbs who have to read this from your cubicle, or playpen if your Kutz.

So real pissed off at ESPN this week. Between the bogus farve coverage, and the fact that they are suckling from the LBJ power teet and refuse to print anything negative about him.

Had a near death experience yhesterday. Seriously I was out pretty far swimming in the ocean and almsot didnt get back in. I was getting tired treading water, and almost didnt make it in. Thankfully the crackman is partially amphibeous. I can swim like a goddam barracuda and was abke to bring myself to shore, huffing and puffing the whole way.

brought my girlfirend to work on Friday. Got to see the place of work for the crack man and my cheetos stash in the supply slash snack closet.

bout to go on a bike ride down 35. Like I said... DTS NDB!!!

Get some crackaas

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